1 Ashen Veil
A laid-back metal crew that blends haunting melodies with heavy breakdowns, creating an enchanting and powerful atmosphere.
2 Celestial Doom
A laid-back metal crew that combines atmospheric elements with crushing riffs, creating a unique and ethereal sound.
3 Serpent's Embrace
A laid-back metal crew that weaves intricate melodies with crushing riffs, creating a unique and captivating sound.
4 Throne of Thunder
A crew-sized metal band with a laid-back tone, known for their thunderous and epic compositions.
5 Stonemountain
A laid-back metal crew that draws inspiration from the earth itself, delivering heavy and groovy riffs.
6 Crimson Sky
A crew-sized metal band with a laid-back tone, specializing in soaring guitar solos and powerful vocals.
7 Shadowstorm
A laid-back metal crew that combines melodic riffs with heavy rhythms, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere.
8 Iron Fist
A crew-sized metal band with a laid-back tone, known for their powerful and heavy sound.
9 Eternal Eclipse
A crew-sized metal band with a laid-back tone, specializing in dark and atmospheric compositions.
10 Void Serpent
A crew-sized metal band with a laid-back tone, known for their mesmerizing and atmospheric compositions.