1 The Psychedelic Wranglers
A group of country musicians who infuse their music with trippy and far-out psychedelic elements.
2 The Astral Roundup
A country collective that herds together astral melodies and psychedelic rhythms, creating a mesmerizing sonic blend.
3 The Mindbenders
A large country group that blends mind-expanding psychedelic vibes with traditional twangy country melodies.
4 The Psychedelic Yonder
A group of country musicians with a psychedelic edge, their music will take you on a transcendent journey into the yonder.
5 The Ripple Riders
A large country group that rides the waves of psychedelic sound, creating a blissful and otherworldly musical experience.
6 The Mystic Hoedown
A lively and expansive country group that combines mystical and psychedelic elements to create a one-of-a-kind hoedown experience.
7 The Starlit Trailblazers
A large country group that pioneers a starlit trail through their psychedelic-infused sound, leading listeners on a cosmic journey.
8 The Cosmic Ranchers
A country psychedelic group that takes you on a mystical journey through the cosmic plains of sound.
9 The Nebula Cowboys
A country group with a psychedelic twist, their music will transport you into a swirling nebula of sound.
10 The Psychedelic Ranchhands
A group of country musicians who explore the psychedelic side of ranch life through their music, blending cosmic tones with down-home twang.