1 Sonic Blue Ensemble
An experimental blues ensemble that explores sonic landscapes and creates unique soundscapes.
2 The Abstract Blues Lab
A laboratory-like ensemble that experiments with abstract blues compositions and unconventional arrangements.
3 The Experimental Blues Orchestra
A large ensemble that combines the traditional blues with experimental approaches, resulting in a symphonic experience.
4 The Blues Experiment
A blues ensemble that infuses experimental elements and pushes the boundaries of the genre.
5 Blues Innovators Ensemble
An ensemble of blues innovators who push the boundaries of the genre with their experimental and groundbreaking approach.
6 Blues Fusion Collective
An ensemble that fuses blues with various musical styles, creating an experimental and eclectic sound.
7 Experimental Delta Blues Syndicate
A group dedicated to reimagining and experimenting with the traditional delta blues, pushing it into new sonic territories.
8 Blues Avant-garde Ensemble
An avant-garde blues ensemble that experiments with unconventional structures, improvisation, and instrumentation.
9 Blues Fusion Orchestra
An experimental blues orchestra that combines blues, jazz, and classical influences, creating a grand and unique ensemble sound.
10 The Sonic Blues Collective
A collective of musicians who explore experimental sounds within the blues genre, resulting in a mesmerizing sonic experience.