1 Iris
Meaning rainbow in Greek, this name represents peace and harmony.
2 Olympia
Derived from the city of Olympus in Greek mythology, this name signifies peace and divine serenity.
3 Eudora
Meaning good gift in Greek, this name conveys peace and positivity.
4 Eirene
Derived from the Greek word for peace, this name has a serene and calming quality.
5 Salomé
Meaning peace in Greek, this name carries a sense of harmony and balance.
6 Irene
A popular name in Greek mythology, it symbolizes peace and tranquility.
7 Pacifica
This name evokes the peacefulness and tranquility of the ocean.
8 Artemis
Associated with the Greek goddess of the moon, this name signifies a peaceful and serene presence.
9 Callista
Derived from the Greek word for most beautiful, this name represents inner peace and tranquility.
10 Alethea
Meaning truth in Greek, this name reflects a peaceful and honest nature.