1 Emmaline
Emmaline is a German name that means hope. It is a charming and feminine name that conveys a sense of positivity and possibility.
2 Lorelei
Lorelei is a German name that means hope. It is a unique and enchanting name that represents optimism and the ability to overcome challenges.
3 Frida
Frida is a German name that means hope. It is a strong and independent name that carries a sense of optimism and resilience.
4 Amalia
Amalia is a German name that means hope. It is a beautiful and classic name that has a positive and uplifting meaning.
5 Giselle
Giselle is a German name that means hope. It is an elegant and graceful name that symbolizes positivity and inspiration.
6 Ingrid
Ingrid is a German name that means hope. It is a strong and resilient name that represents optimism and the strength to overcome obstacles.
7 Anneliese
Anneliese is a German name that means hope. It is a sophisticated and elegant name that holds a sense of optimism and belief in a brighter future.
8 Maren
Maren is a German name that means hope. It is a simple and elegant name that symbolizes optimism and a positive attitude towards life.
9 Keira
Keira is a German name that means hope. It is a modern and vibrant name that carries a sense of positivity and a bright outlook on life.
10 Selma
Selma is a German name that means hope. It is a timeless and gentle name that embodies a sense of optimism and anticipation for the future.